It's time to
Break Up with Your Inner Critic
Just imagine being free from the grip of old triggers and rediscovering a sense of peace you thought was long lost.

Aroma Freedom Sessions are for Everyone
We all face challenges, whether it's overcoming the past or worrying about the future. Aroma Freedom is here to help you embrace a brighter, more confident you.

We all have something.
Can you relate?
Feeling weighed down by worry, anxiety, or overwhelm? Stuck in a cycle of addiction, limiting beliefs, or emotional triggers? Struggling with trauma, self-sabotage, or lack of focus? Aroma Freedom can help you overcome these challenges, moving past anger and loneliness, and guiding you towards achieving your dreams.

Aroma Freedom is...
Safe, Quick and offers Release of Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Memories.
Sets emotional energy flowing in a positive direction, towards growth and expansion rather than contracting in fear, doubt and paralysis.
Tailored Techniques for Your Unique Journey
Discover how various Aroma Freedom techniques are designed to meet your specific needs, whether you're tackling trauma, setting goals, or seeking emotional release.

Stay With Me Here
Aroma Freedom is a simple process that uses specific essential oils in a variety of steps to allow release.

Discover what’s holding you back.
Memory Complex
Aroma Freedom Safely Helps Unlock Memories, Transforming Negative Thoughts into Positive Growth.
Please Note:
Safe, Confidential, Fast
There is no need to "Relive" a painful situation by voicing the details of a past trauma. A simple word or phrase is all that is needed such as "accident, fire, abuse, combat, loss".

You may be surprised to learn
What's Holding You Back from Achieving Your Goals!
It could be a memory from something that happened in grade school. Who knew?
Don't let another day go by.
Sessions are 30-60 minutes.
Although it allows for a permanent shift in thoughts, feelings, and memory, dependent upon the situation, many people will have the most benefit from multiple sessions.

It's Phenomenal.
I understand if Aroma Freedom seems unconventional, especially if you're used to western medicine. Trust me, I felt the same way. But every time I see it help someone, I get chills.

Founder of Aroma Freedom Technique
Dr. Benjamen Perkus
I am deeply grateful for Dr. Perkus's training and honored to be a Certified Aroma Freedom Practitioner, allowing me to serve.

Aroma Freedom Sessions
Schedule a Freedom CallOur Aroma Freedom Participants Are Saying...
Live Differently on Purpose
Everything is Possible for One Who Believes. ~Mark 9:23
It's time
Get Your Happy Back!
I am excited to meet you! ~Darla

Aroma Freedom Contact Form
Yes! I am ready to Live Differently on Purpose! Please indicate interest in Coaching or Aroma Freedom or both and we will be in touch!
We can meet by scheduling 15 minute dream call to get acquainted.